Ethics Regulations

  • Research and
    Publication Ethics
  • Research Ethics and
    Ethics Committee Regulations

Research and Publication Ethics

All members of “The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering” should perceive that our researches improve the quality of life of human and have a great influence on community. Also we should cherish harmonious and tranquil life, living together with neighbors and nature. Therefore, all members of KSNVE should have higher moral sense and behave honestly and fairly to maintain authority, honor and dignity.


It is recommended for every author including the first and corresponding author that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria :

  1. (1) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  2. (2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  3. (3) Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  4. (4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Duplicate Publication of Data

Papers should contain new results of original research and academic contribution to noise and vibration engineering, which hasn't been submitted or published in any other journals. Also the published paper to this journal should not be submitted or published in any other journals.


Authors must not have presented portions of another’s work or data as their own under any circumstances.

Policy on Commercialism

Manuscripts submitted for consideration for publication in KSNVE are not to be used as a platform for commercialism or unjust means.


Every manuscript received is to be reviewed fairly by reviewer’s conscience as a scholar. And Ethics Committee deliberate and decide on all matters related to research misconduct.

Research Ethics and Ethics Committee Regulations

  1. 1. (Purpose) This provision is subject to the code of ethics of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering(KSNVE), which publishes and presents academic activities such as research ethics and the establishment of relationships in KSNVE. The purpose of this document is to set forth the terms of the research ethics committee for operational sanctions.
  2. 2. (Application Area of Code Ethics)

    ① The code applies to the overall academic activities including all academic journals, academic conference, symposiums, workshop, forums, etc. published and held by the Society.

    ② The code applies to all authors, reviewers, Editorial Board Members(hereinafter referred to as “EBM”, and hands-on-workers in the service bureau related with the above academic activities.

    ③ Other items not set forth above may comply with this article, each level of regulations of Ministry of Education and other related institutions.

  3. 3. (Honesty of Author)

    ① The author shall be honest in research carried out by an individual. Here, honesty refers to honesty in overall research processes including derivation of ideas, designing experiments, analyses of experiments and results, research fund, publishing research results, and fair compensation to research participants.

    ② The author shall consider plagiarism, fraud, manipulation and falsification during research as serious criminal activities, and endeavor to prevent these misconducts.

    ③ The author shall announce and properly respond in case of contradiction or the possibility of contradiction of benefits of one’s own and others or other institutions.

  4. 4. (Authorship) It is recommended for every author including the first and corresponding author that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria :

    (1) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

    (2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

    (3) Final approval of the version to be published; AND

    (4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

  5. 5. (Configuration and Functions)

    ① The committee shall be composed of one chairman, one secretary, and five committee members.

    ② Chairman and members shall be elected by the board of directors and appointed by the KSNVE president.

    ③ The terms of the chairman and members are two years, and both can be reappointed.

    ④ The chairman shall represent the committee and oversees the work of the ethics of the KSNVE.

  6. 6. (Function) The committee shall work with the following contents:

    (1) Research and prosecute established ethics,

    (2) Prevent and contain research misconduct,

    (3) Research misconduct deliberation and voting,

    (4) Report results to the board of directors for decisions and sanctions more on cheaters,

    (5) Provide more details on the improvement and promotion of research ethics.

  7. 7. (Convening and Voting)

    ① The committee shall be convened as necessary by the chairman. The vote in favor of 2/3 of registered members.

    ② The details that have passed the vote shall be notified to the suspect of misconduct (defendant) and the defendant's opinion must be received as a written plea within 10 days.

    ③ The committee shall review the explanatory materials received from the person suspected of misconduct. The ever need to listen to your thoughts when the final vote.

    ④ The details that have passed the vote shall be reported to the board of directors to reach a final decision.

    ⑤ When judged necessary, the chairman may listen to comments from outsiders or non-members.

    ⑥ The presented details of attendees or the details of meeting from the committee shall be kept confidential as a general rule.

  8. 8. (Scope of Research Publication Misconduct)

    ① "Plagiarism" refers to the act of theft without quoting such information or the results of the research of others without revealing the source.

    ② "Falsification" or "alteration" is the use of another person's or one's own research results of operations or strain, says the act of distortion.

    ③ "Duplicate publication" stands for the act of publishing the same details in two or more journals.

    ④ "Wrongful inscription of author" stands for the action of putting on someone who has not contributed to the research as an author.

    ⑤ Others say the unacceptable range.

  9. 9. (Informing and Notifying Research Misconduct)

    ① The contents of research misconduct are limited to the publications "Journal of KSNVE" and "Trans. Korean Soc. Noise Vib. Eng."

    ② The report of research misconduct must be submitted in writing accompanied by the relevant data in accordance with the five W's and one H.

    ③ The committee then received a report that information within three months of deliberations to finalize the report to the board of directors.

    ④ The final content as determined by the board of directors shall notify the informant and the malfeasant within 10 days and posted on the KSNVE homepage.

    ⑤ The end result regarding the misconduct should not be released to the public before finalized.

  10. 10. (Sanctions for Research Misconduct)

    ① For authors whose research misconduct has been confirmed, punishment may be selected to be imposed on each case after being reviewed by the committee and considering the severity of misconduct determined by the committee:

    1) Cancellation of publications published by the KSNVE for the announcement study,

    2) Prohibition for five years from contributing "Journal of KSNVE" and "Trans. Korean Soc. Noise Vib. Eng.",

    3) Prohibition for five years from attending the KSNVE Conference,

    4) Notification of the details of misconduct to the institution,

    5) Disqualification of society members. ② If a caller has intentionally and falsely reported a violation, according to the decision of the committee, the committee may impose the same sanctions and level as described in "Sanctions for Research Misconduct."

  11. 11. (Protection of Rights of Examinee)

    ① The examinee refers to a person who has become the subject of investigation for misconduct due to the report or cognition by the Society or related institution, or a person who has become the subject of investigation by suspecting of taking part in misconduct during the investigation process. The examinee shall not include testifiers or witness.

    ② The Society shall be careful not to violate the dignity or rights of an examinee during the verification process. Also, until the confirmation of the results, the examinee shall have an equal opportunity for objection or defense, and shall be notified in advance of the related procedure.

    ③ The suspicion on misconduct shall not be disclosed to the public until the judgment has been confirmed. However, this does not include cases where serious risk may be present to public welfare or social norms.

    ④ The examinee may request for investigation and proceeding procedure as well the processing schedule for misconduct to the Society, and said the Society shall respond sincerely.

This regulation shall enter into force on October 24, 2008 (enactment)