Journal Archive

Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering - Vol. 32 , No. 6
1. p.535 Feature-based Analysis on Vibration Signals for Fault Diagnosis of Elevator
Tae-Hong Min, Dong-Hee Park, Jeong-Jun Lee, Sang-Yoon Seo, Sung-Woo Kang, Byeong-Keun Choi
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11. p.623 Simulation Model of the Fast Steering Mirror considering Piezoelectric Effect
Seonbin Lim, Junsun Yoo, Jae Woo Jung, Sang Won Jung, Jae Hyun Kim, Jun Young Yoon, Seoung-Han Lee, Byoung Ju Lee, Kwang Sik Jung, Eui-Bong Jeong, No-Cheol Park
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